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Ebook Inc. Staff Hendrickson Publishers - KJV Minister's Bible Burgundy in MOBI


"The Bible to take with you--wherever your ministry takes you "The "KJV Minister's Bible" is the perfect "on-the-go" Bible to equip pastors, counselors, pastoral caregivers, lay teachers--everyone in active ministry. Resources include the complete cross-referenced text along with many pages of ministry resources carefully tailored to the needs of ministers and congregations who prefer the classic beauty of the King James Version.The "KJV Minister's Bible" is targeted specifically to ordained as well as lay ministers- Sturdy sewn binding will give years of hard-wearing service- Slimmer size in beautiful genuine leather binding is easy to carry anywhere- Field-tested ministry helps meet the unique needs of pastors and other ministers- Step-by-step plan of salvation and quick-find scripture references to answer tough questions, The Bible to take with you�wherever your ministry takes you!The KJV Minister's Bible is the perfect on-the-go Bible to equip pastors, counselors, pastoral caregivers, lay teachers-everyone in active ministry. Its unique ministry resources help them meet the challenges of everyday ministry opportunities as well as manage its stresses. Resources include a practical guide to visitation, sample services for weddings, funerals, and baptisms, a step-by-step plan of salvation, quick-find scripture references to answer tough questions, and more.

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