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Read online book Signals and Systems : A Primer with MATLAB® by Matthew N.O. Sadiku in PDF, FB2, MOBI


Signals and Systems: A Primer with MATLAB(r) provides clear, interesting, and easy-to-understand coverage of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Each chapter opens with a historical profile or career talk, followed by an introduction that states the chapter objectives and links the chapter to the previous ones. All principles are presented in a lucid, logical, step-by-step approach. As much as possible, the authors avoid wordiness and detail overload that could hide concepts and impede understanding. In recognition of the requirements by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) on integrating computer tools, the use of MATLAB(r) is encouraged in a student-friendly manner. MATLAB is introduced in Appendix B and applied gradually throughout the book. Each illustrative example is immediately followed by a practice problem along with its answer. Students can follow the example step by step to solve the practice problem without flipping pages or looking at the end of the book for answers. These practice problems test students comprehension and reinforce key concepts before moving on to the next section. Toward the end of each chapter, the authors discuss some application aspects of the concepts covered in the chapter. The material covered in the chapter is applied to at least one or two practical problems or devices. This helps students see how the concepts are applied to real-life situations. In addition, thoroughly worked examples are given liberally at the end of every section. These examples give students a solid grasp of the solutions as well as the confidence to solve similar problems themselves. Some of the problems are solved in two or three ways to facilitate a deeper understanding and comparison of different approaches. Ten review questions in the form of multiple-choice objective items are provided at the end of each chapter with answers. The review questions are intended to cover the "little tricks" that the examples and end-of-chapter problems may not cover. They serve as a self-test device and help students determine chapter mastery. Each chapter also ends with a summary of key points and formulas. Designed for a three-hour semester course on signals and systems, Signals and Systems: A Primer with MATLAB(r) is intended as a textbook for junior-level undergraduate students in electrical and computer engineering. The prerequisites for a course based on this book are knowledge of standard mathematics (including calculus and differential equations) and electric circuit analysis., Signals and Systems: A Primer with MATLAB®provides clear, interesting, and easy-to-understand coverage of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Each chapter opens with a historical profile or career talk, followed by an introduction that states the chapter objectives and links the chapter to the previous ones. All principles are presented in a lucid, logical, step-by-step approach. As much as possible, the authors avoid wordiness and detail overload that could hide concepts and impede understanding. In recognition of the requirements by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) on integrating computer tools, the use of MATLAB®is encouraged in a student-friendly manner. MATLAB is introduced in Appendix B and applied gradually throughout the book. Each illustrative example is immediately followed by a practice problem along with its answer. Students can follow the example step by step to solve the practice problem without flipping pages or looking at the end of the book for answers. These practice problems test students' comprehension and reinforce key concepts before moving on to the next section. Toward the end of each chapter, the authors discuss some application aspects of the concepts covered in the chapter. The material covered in the chapter is applied to at least one or two practical problems or devices. This helps students see how the concepts are applied to real-life situations. In addition, thoroughly worked examples are given liberally at the end of every section. These examples give students a solid grasp of the solutions as well as the confidence to solve similar problems themselves. Some of the problems are solved in two or three ways to facilitate a deeper understanding and comparison of different approaches. Ten review questions in the form of multiple-choice objective items are provided at the end of each chapter with answers. The review questions are intended to cover the "little tricks" that the examples and end-of-chapter problems may not cover. They serve as a self-test device and help students determine chapter mastery. Each chapter also ends with a summary of key points and formulas. Designed for a three-hour semester course on signals and systems, Signals and Systems: A Primer with MATLAB®is intended as a textbook for junior-level undergraduate students in electrical and computer engineering. The prerequisites for a course based on this book are knowledge of standard mathematics (including calculus and differential equations) and electric circuit analysis.

Read online ebook Matthew N.O. Sadiku - Signals and Systems : A Primer with MATLAB® FB2, EPUB, TXT

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