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Transformers : Identification and Price Guide TXT, EPUB, FB2


*Transformers' pop culture icon status is rising - with DreamWorks Pictures poised to release a live-action Transformers movie in 2007*Transformers are hot auction items - a first-edition figure of Autobot leader Optimus Prime recently sold for $1,100Transformers dominated the toy universe in the 1980s, and the "robots in disguise" that waged an intergalactic battle of good versus evil are wildly popular collectibles today. In this definite reference, you will discover complete descriptions and secondary market pricing for Autobots and Decepticons illustrated by 1,000 color photos. Transformers toys are "more than meets the eye," and this volume will effectively guide you through their universe., Transformers: Identification and Price Guide is the ultimate reference for all Generation One (G1) Transformers figures released from 1984 - 1990. Featuring more than 1,200 color photographs, this unparalleled guide presents every character in robot and alternate modes with accessories. Individual character biographies are presented from the original Tech Specs and also include function, personal motto, and ability scores. Notes on character history - as presented in the Sunbow cartoon series and Marvel comic books - are complemented by expert commentary on character attributes and popularity on today's secondary market. Current values for all figures in varying condition grades assist collectors in determining the value of their collections. Collectors, toy dealers, casual fans, and everyone who staged basement battles between the heroic Autobots and the evil Deceptions need an accurate identification and price guide to decipher the more than 300 G1 Transformers toys produced from 1984 - 1993. This is the definitive reference for your favorite "Robots in Disguise!"

Transformers : Identification and Price Guide read EPUB, FB2, PDF

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